Tuesday, May 19, 2009

“This is about being a true-blooded American guy and girl”

A story on the Explorers program--an affiliate of The Boy Scouts of America--which trains kids to bust marijuana fields, catch illegal immigrants, subdue shooters and engage in all manner of high-powered assault rifle chicanery. Surprisingly, no one has complained about engendering bloodlust in kids:
Cathy Noriega, also 16, said she was attracted by the guns. The group uses compressed-air guns — known as airsoft guns, which fire tiny plastic pellets — in the training exercises, and sometimes they shoot real guns on a closed range.

“I like shooting them,” Cathy said. “I like the sound they make. It gets me excited.”

Though maybe that sort of delight explains this:

There have been numerous cases over the last three decades in which police officers supervising Explorers have been charged, in civil and criminal cases, with sexually abusing them.

Fortunately, they've taken steps by requiring adult Explorers to take an online training course on sexual misconduct. Whew. Crisis AVERTED!! *slaps some high-fives, maybe a few crotch-fives*

Season of the Mall

I know the whole thing with wolves barfing lasers amidst chaotic rock n' roll destruction is as over-played as wolves airbrushed onto t-shirts, or wolves airbrushed onto sweatshirts, but these guys kind of fit for today. Maybe we enter a new era of wolves airbrushed onto bathing suits.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Get these boobs outta here....

Photo gallery of hand signals that Sherman Billingsley, owner of The Stork Club in New York, used to communicate with his assistant about various patrons.

Pause, pause, no homo

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Supressed memories in the making

Only $25 from Hasbro.
Meanwhile, The Onion AV Club rightly guessed that the Oozinator will birth a nation of semen sharpshooters.

*Sexy Easter Update! There was supposed to be some other embedded video after that mysterious onion comment, but html is "complicated." Yikes!

*Semi-nude April 14th Update! I guess html got de-mystified.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I would ask for a scab or a piece of skin from a blister

Trailer for a documentary about fans obsessed with Tiffany. They seem to be engaged in a contest for who gets to marry her. This contest does not exist.

Hat tip to Nate, who is not technically a stalker because he actually loves the objects of his attentions.

Friday, March 13, 2009


Unfortunately, this is the only possible happy outcome for former Chippendiddys.

I always eat my pork n' beans by the light of Hellfire

More chilling images of homunculi here.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

"It's right here Ray. It's looking at me."

Kelly McCallum's Victorian era fox with gold maggot accessories. Picture and wit courtesy of Lily who is indeed lunching with the critter.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Hail, Atlantis.

Make it past the introduction. Do some velvet on your body. Prepare to think about how you're bad at sex.

Demon Kitty Camels

via Leslie's gchat link, via BoingBoing.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I can't decide

I mean,in the words of Kool Keith, "Why are you making those mean faces in your video with the fish lens effects?" But the song? Does it SOUND like old people dusting off their pennyfarthings for a ride 'round the park, or does it sound new and relevant? For me, it seems to depend on the day....

Pax Romana

Roomba Cyborg

Wee Willie Winkie...

In case you forgot what awesome is

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Friday, February 27, 2009

Crispin Glover Stomps on a Dog

In which Crispin Glover stomps on a dog.

From the movie Simon Says.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Girls! Boys! Girls! Boys!

A deep cut from Pierre Nadeau, courtesy of Canadian MTV. Leslie immediately guessed that this song and resultant video were the doings of The Great White North, so try spotting tell-tale signs. There are no all-denim outfits so it's not as easy as you think.